The Pain of Divorce. My Book-My Story My Divorce God's Promise-The Beginning

In 2017 I self-published my first book.  I remember the day I decided to write this book.  I was sitting in the lobby of my workplace, devastated that my husband left me and that he left me with no warning. I had no idea how to face the next day, the next minute, or for that matter, the next second.  

I was married for 37 years.  My identity, my hope, and my future were based on my marriage.  My job in the marital relationship was to work part-time to get extra money for the family for fun and vacations.  I never focused on a career because that was not my role in the relationship.  

So now what?  I entered a world of emotional pain that became physical pain.  I entered a world of distrust and confusion which led to full-fledged depression..  I had no idea where to turn or what to do, so I cried more than I had ever cried in my life.

It was a strange day, the day I decided I needed to write this book.  I was sitting in the nurse's station at my workplace.  As I looked out into the lobby, I saw the photos I had taken displayed on the screen for the patients to enjoy. I remember as I sat there on the verge of tears, asking God, "What am I supposed to do?" An answer came to me as clear as day.  I felt I was supposed to write a book, three books, actually. 

I felt I needed to write three books.  The first one is about the initial pain and how we can find strength and hope not only in scripture but in God's beauty that surrounds us even in our pain.  This beauty I display through my flower photos.  In my first book, My Story My Divorce God's Promise-The Beginning, you can tell my pain is all-encompassing because I can barely form a sentence.  Everything is short and to the point, with accompanying scripture and the promise that "He (God) will never leave us or forsake us."  

My second book is coming out in November.  It is called My Story My Divorce God's Promise-The Journey. This book shares more logistics on how to survive the pain of an unwanted divorce and also logistics to help you through the divorce process. It concludes with tips to help us move on from the pain and start a new life as a single woman. 

My third book, which I will start soon, will be called My Story My Divorce God's Promise-The Joy.  Even in the deepest pain, there is joy to be found, even though we sometimes must search diligently to find it.

I hope you will follow me as my journey continues.  It has been over 10 years since this all began, and life just keeps getting better and better. 

Check out my first book on Amazon, and keep an eye out for book two.

God bless you on your journey.

Kathiey V.

As I look at Amazon, I find they have a sale on my book.  It was originally $20 it is now $5.35.  It could change anytime. Now is the time to check it out.

Thanks for your support!


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