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Solo Travel-How Do I Connect With Others When I Solo Travel?

I love to travel.  I enjoy exploring my home state of North Carolina and crossing the state line to explore other parts of the country and beyond.  Now that I am divorced, I travel alone.  I figure if I wait for someone to go with me, I may never go, so I gladly accept the challenge of a solo adventure. I do enjoy my time alone, but I also enjoy meeting new people on my travels.  I consulted Google on just how to connect with others while on a solo travel adventure. On my Google search, I found that Solo Travel is a popular topic. Some of the ideas I found are easy to implement at a moment's notice, and others require some planning. Lodging:  Many suggestions were made on places to stay that may open the door to meeting new people. At an Airbnb, you would meet the host family; at a Bed and Breakfast, you would meet the owners and fellow travelers. Some folks meet others while staying at hotels while relaxing in the hotel lobby or at the hotel bar. Hostels were a...

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