Divorce in the News-November 5, 2021

Divorce in the News

 Couples who met on dating apps headed for early divorce, study finds

This was an interesting read.  I have been on dating sites, but I have not seriously dated.  I don't know anyone who married someone they met online except for my ex.  They were married for a few years, and then it was over.  I really don't know what happened, but I can guess based on my experience.  

Divorce attorney discusses COVID-19 vaccination decision when parents are divorced.

This article comes from the state of Indiana.  I did not have to worry about this because my kids were adults when my husband walked out.  For many parents, this is a huge decision.  They mention two types of custody in this article.  They mention physical custody and legal custody.  The parent with legal custody, at least in Indiana, has the authority to decide when it comes to the child's medical issues.  The problem arises when both parents have legal custody, and they disagree. 

A tale of a nasty divorce and pet visitation rights in Washington state

I did not have to worry about this issue.  Yes, I had a dog, but my ex never mentioned being interested in seeing Brodie or visitation rights.  I can see where it would be difficult to split time as dog parents.  Many states see dogs as property, and they may not honor the emotional bond between a pet and its "parent."  I feel this view will slowly change, and the courts will see the importance of visiting the pet that has meant so much to a divorcing spouse.

Divorce in America

This article has a lean toward faith and marriage.  It also talks about divorce rates in our country and how the church has changed its attitude toward someone who has experienced a divorce.  I agree with the views of the writer.  Yes, there are many reasons for divorce, and there are many reasons not to divorce. Good article.

‘I was shocked’: Egyptian man divorces wife after seeing her without makeup.

All I can say about this is that she is better off without him.  What a superficial guy.

That is it for Divorce in the news for this week.  I hope you are doing well.  

God Bless you on your journey!



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