A New Blog Related to the Pain of Separation and Divorce. I Am in a Bad way

This post I call a blast from the past.  This was written in June of 2013, when my nightmare began.
I don't know I arrived here, but here I am. I will soon be divorced after 37 years of marriage. I have known for about four weeks. It came as a complete surprise; you could say I was blindsided.
This blog is hosted by a Christian woman going through separation and soon to be divorce that is unwanted, unwarranted and unnecessary. It will be an honest and painful account as I go through the stages of grief and hopefully find peace through my faith. I know it will not be easy. I have lost weight, lost sleep, cried every day and I am showing physical symptoms related to the emotional stress, all the while I am still trying to hold onto God's promise that he is beside me. Not easy.
This life change will not be fun, but I know there are many others out there in the same boat as me. Hopefully, we can grow together and become stronger women as we face this new path.
I host another blog....Kathiey's World where I will be attempting to get back to my routine of enjoying my life. I have not done well with this one lately, due to my state of mind. Hopefully, I will be able to find joy again or at least be able to fake it.
Please bear with me as I get this blog set up. I am in a bad way.

Finding Hope Through God's Beauty

Finding Hope Through God's Word.
"I will never leave you or forsake you"


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