Ways to De-Stress..."Peel an Orange"...Aromatherapy

Time to De-Stress

"Peel an orange. Studies show the smell of citrus can help reduce stress."
Huff Post

Ok folks, it's time to de-stress. Those of us going through a divorce seem to be a reservoir for stress. I never had any unhealthy anxiety or depression issues until I was blindsided by marital separation after decades of marriage. On one stress index scale, divorce rates the second highest stressor, with the death of a spouse being first. I don't know that I agree with that because I say ...
"Divorce is like a death but with intent."

I don't have an orange, but I believe that many scents can enhance our mood and thus decrease our stress.  The Cleveland Clinic states that "aromatherapy can improve our mood and lessen anxiety."  Let's see what I can find to sniff...Brodie and I took off on a walk to enjoy the scents that nature provides.  I enjoyed the smell of freshly cut grass and the aroma of the Magnolia flowers on the trees...I did find myself to be relaxed as I wandered and breathed in the perfumed air.
Brodie did not seem to be impressed with the flowers or the grass...this was more his speed.  I used to tell my kids that "everybody likes different things."  Case in point with Brodie:-)

I have never had luck with finding perfumes that I love, but I now have found two.  Stephanie and I ventured to Nordstrom to check out the options.  We both fell in love with Beach by Bobbi Brown.  Every time I put it on, it brings up memories of the beach...good memories, and thus it is a stress reliever.
The second one I enjoy is Star Magnolia by Jo Malone.  Such a light, fresh scent.  I see a trend here.  Enjoying magnolia flowers and now magnolia perfume. I never even realized I liked them.

If you feel a bit stressed out, I suggest you close your eyes and slowly breathe in the scent of your choice.  I can't make that decision for you, because as you have learned from Brodie, 
everybody likes different things:-)

Remember, you are not alone, and you are stronger than you think!
God Bless,


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