Beware the Narcissist-Part 2-What is an Overt Narcissist?
Beware the Narcissist-Types of Narcissists.
The Overt Narcissist
When going through a divorce, many people realize for the first time, maybe in decades, that they were married to a narcissist. Sadly, most are not taught in school, or anywhere for that matter, what a narcissist is, so when confronted with narcissistic behavior, we may not be aware of the signs or potential abuse involved in a relationship with a narcissist. With that in mind, I will be doing a series on "Beware The Narcissist" to help us become more familiar with the typical behavior of a narcissist. Even if we are lucky enough to have not been in a narcissistic relationship, it is good to know what to look for to avoid such a relationship in the future.
First off, how is an overt narcissist described? According to Choosing Therapy, an overt narcissist is
- They tend to flaunt their achievements and seek admiration.
- Have an inflated sense of their abilities and importance
- They feel entitled to special treatment and recognition
- They are more likely to engage in affairs or serial relationships
- Feelings of self-importance and self-absorption
- The constant need for attention and admiration
- They lack empathy for others
- They believe they are superior to others
- They may appear to care, but they nearly always have ulterior motives...they wear a mask of caring to achieve a means to an end.
- They are obsessed with their public persona.
- They love to play the victim.
- Genetics
- Parenting Style (constantly praised and rewarded without any negative consequences)
- Childhood Trauma
- Cultural Factors
- Personality Factors
Here is a video that describes an Overt Narcissist.
God Bless You on Your Journey
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