My Story My Divorce God's Promise:The Journey....Hiring a Handyman

Ok, so now I find myself in a home with a yard and bunch of repairs and no "man" to help.  What to do.  If I come across a job I usually google the solution and see if there is any way I can do it myself. If not I know I need to ask for help.  My daughter has given me the contact info for a local handyman she has gotten positive feedback on his work so I think I will give him a call.

I found an article in the Readers Digest..."13 Things a Handyman Won't Tell You", I will share a few...

-Before you call me about your clogged sink or shower try a plunger or Zip-It drain cleaning tool-

 I do have a few clogged drains in my home.  
I am headed over to Amazon now to see if I can find this tool.
(I am an Amazon Affiliate)
I found it.  
I am going to order it and see how well it works.  I will let you know:-)
-Get your home inspected once a year-

I guess that would help in catching problems early and thus save you money in the long run.  I have never had it inspected.  Something to think about

-On a budget?  Ask if there is any way you can help out in exchange for a lower price.-

They suggest things like picking up supplies, cleaning up after the job or just helping out in general

-Do something with the dog.-
The suggestion is to get the dog out of the house completely while the handyman is at work.  I guess they don't want to hear a barking dog all day.  Makes sense to me.
I will be contacting the Handyman today. 
If you are in my boat with no help around the house try to find a handyman.  Ask around and find one through word of mouth.  I think that is the best way to find a good one.
Take care of yourself.  
We can do this!


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