10 Things Every Woman Going Through a Divorce Wants to Hear from Huff Post

I was reading an article from Huff Post....10 Things Every Woman Going Through a Divorce Wants to Hear.  I know that before my experience with separation and divorce I had no clue as to the extent of the pain.   I think my reply to a woman who was going through this would have been "I am so sorry to hear that" and I would give her a hug and go on my way not realizing just how lost this person could feel.  I know much better now.  I know this is a pain that does not go away quickly, if ever,  but it does get easier.  In the early days and even beyond what do we want to hear?  As I looked over her list I picked a few that I feel could be extremely helpful.

"You know I have your back"  
The Stir

It is so important to know that there is someone that will stand by you especially when the one you gave your life to decided you were worthless and threw you away.

"This sucks"  
The Stir

The reassurance that someone realizes this is not just an abrasion but it is a deep wound. 

"What do you need?"  
The Stir
Believe me, in the heat of the devastation you do not know what you need.  This one question can help you start to think about what you do need and hopefully lead you to steps to meet those needs.

These are just a few of the things listed in this article that I could relate to.
If your friend or family member is going through this just know the pain they are in is deep and unfathomable to those who have not experienced it.  Please give them lots of hugs, love, and support.
If you are in this situation don't give up.  Reach out to your friends and family.  Take care of yourself as much as you can and lean on your faith.
Always remember God's promise.  "I will never leave you or forsake you".  
Thank you, God!


  1. These are great things to say. I have a friend going through a divorce that will appreciate this.

  2. Hi Rachel,
    Please give your friend a hug for me. Tell her she is not alone and that she will make it. Tell her to hold tight to her faith and her friends...like you:-)


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