Dating After Divorce-Five Online Dating Red Flags at Least in My Opinion.

Dating After Divorce 

Five Online Dating Red Flags to Be Aware Of.

There are many red flags to be aware of when confronted with the reality of online dating. Here are just five to be mindful of when searching the online dating world for a potential date. 

1-Avoid Being Pressured!-If the person you are talking to online is pressuring you to quickly meet or aggressively pushing you to speak on another venue, be cautious.  You should wait until you are comfortable and not be forced into something you are not ready for.  The right person will give you the time you need.

2-Suspicious Photos or No Profile Photo—If someone is unwilling to share a photo, my question would be, "Why?"  My first thought would be, "What are you hiding?" and I would not consider dating him. Another photo I have seen on dating sites that is a massive turn-off for me is an old photo with a person beside him, usually a woman, with their face scribbled out...I see that as extremely rude.  I would run away at that point. Check out my post on "The Profile Photo"

3-A Blank Profile-For me, this indicates that they really don't care.  Granted, it may be someone who does not know how to portray themselves via the written word, but if you can't tell me a little about yourself, why would I risk dating this person?

4-A Negative Personality- If you come across a person who is unkind or negative in their conversation or their profile, I would run away.  Who needs negativity in their lives?  I know I don't.

5-"No Drama"- I would avoid someone who says "no drama" in their desire for a date. Life is full of drama, and many times, it can't be avoided. This says they don't want to get to know you and that it would be a one-sided, selfish relationship. There is no room for discussion in their world; it is their way or the highway.  

These are just a few things to consider on your dating journey. In the coming months, we will cover more about online dating. 

Be careful out there!

Kathiey V.


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