Stress Relief/Taking Care of Me - Feeling Stressed? Have a Cup of Tea!

Tea and Stress Relief

For those of us who have had our lives upended by divorce or anyone who has stress in their lives, we can all benefit from a nice cup of tea. From what I have been reading, a warm, soothing cup of tea could go a long way toward promoting health and wellbeing.

The tea plant contains L-theanine, which according to Artful Tea, is a "beneficial compound that helps reduce anxiety and promote relaxation and wellbeing." Many would say just the ritual of making tea has a calming effect on people.

I found a list of the best teas for stress relief on Artful Tea.

  • Mint Teas-This was my mom's favorite.
  • Chamomile Teas
  • Lavender Teas
  • Rose Teas 
  • Matcha Tea

 My mom and I used to drink mint tea together. I now find that the scent of the mint and the act of preparing the tea is a soothing ritual that also brings back fond memories of my mom. I now know that tea can help decrease at least some of the anxiety in my life. 

I am off to make some hot tea on this freezing day in North Carolina. I am looking forward to a relaxing day:-) So if you are feeling anxious give tea a try.

God Bless You On This Journey,



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