Divorce During the CoronaVirus

As I look at the information on getting a divorce during Coronaviurs I am finding very little.  The bulk of the information I have found has been about shared custody during this time of social distancing.  There are many articles on the difficulty this will cause married couples and how being homebound together could lead to divorce.  Some people are in the middle of divorce proceedings and are stuck at home with the one they are divorcing.

Here are a few suggestions I found online for folks going through a divorce during the virus.

No matter what your situation you have to take care of yourself.  You can do this through exercise, and diversions.  Here is a link to my blog with some things I am doing to try to stay sane and healthy.

You can face-time or video conference with attorneys, and also with financial and tax consultants for instruction and guidance. Facetime with your therapist and friends for emotional support.

I have been separated and divorced for some time.  If I were going through this process now I would start with a facetime chat with my attorney for guidance.  They could help me with the process and tell me who else I needed to consult with based on my situation.

Going through a divorce while also dealing with the CoronaVirus makes this process much more difficult.  I am so sorry for this added complication during a time that, on its own, is life-changing and devastating.

I can only give you the advice that helped me.  Stay close to God, seek the support of others even though it may not be in person, and seek professional help from attorneys and therapists.
God Bless you on this journey.
You will get through it one baby step at a time.
Always remember God's promise that He will never leave us or forsake us.


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