Stress Relief-One Way to Reduce Stress to Travel-Let's Take A Trip!
Marital separation and divorce are ranked just under the death of a child as the most stressful experiences. With this in mind, I always seek ways to decrease stress.
Lately, I have been reading about stress relief and travel.
Let's Take a Trip
Travel can cause its fair share of stress, but from what I am reading, traveling can also have the opposite effect.David K. William's article "Science Proves that Traveling Can Boost Your Health and Overall Well-Being" believes that travel holds many benefits. In his writing, he says that just planning the trip creates a feeling of happiness. He also writes that travel can reduce the chance of depression and even your risk of a heart attack.
Many of us going through divorce experience depression. If travel can help decrease depression, I say sign me up. Many articles cite that traveling can make you healthier, reduce stress, and increase your happiness.
Let's give travel a try. You don't have to travel far to reap the benefits of an adventure. The trip duration would depend on schedules and affordability, which is different for all of us.
I would travel far away once a month if I had a ton of money. I don't have much money, so here is what I have decided to do. I will take local day trips, and then once a season, I will go away and spend the night in a nice hotel or Bed and Breakfast. It would be nice to fly somewhere, but that is optional and, in my mind, not necessary to enjoy the benefits of travel.
The stressful part of traveling for me is deciding where to go. Once my destination is determined, that is when the fun begins. I enjoy researching my predetermined destination and then loosely planning my itinerary. What fun!
I challenge you to plan your next trip. It could be to a local coffee shop or a trip to Paris; it doesn't matter. Just getting away for any length of time is a beautiful thing.
Happy Travels
Kathiey V.
I would love to know about your travel plans or trips you have taken. Did you find your travels helped decrease the stress in your life, or did it have the opposite effect? Let me know in the comment box below.
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