Stress Relief During Social Isolation During the CoronaVirus. Tips from the CDC

According to the CDC there are several things we can do to cope emotionally during this pandemic.  I have listed a few things I found on their website and I am going to share how they relate to me.  Their heading for this list is...

"Things you can do to support yourself.."

*Take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories, including social media. Hearing about the pandemic repeatedly can be upsetting.
*Take care of your body. Take deep breaths, stretch, or meditate.  Try to eat healthy well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep, avoid drugs and alcohol.

*Make time to unwind. Try to do some other activities you enjoy.
*Connect with others. Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling.

How I am applying this to my life
I agree it is important to take breaks from the news stories about the pandemic.  I have found they can consume you.  I do believe it is important to be informed but also to limit the amount of time spent on this information.  I typically watch the news in the morning and then take a break till evening.  Even that is probably too much.

In regard to taking care of my body I try to do many of the things on their list.  If I get really stressed I do the breathing exercises.  I learned to do these when going through my separation and divorce and it does help.  I do have well-balanced meals thanks to Home Chef.  Meals delivered to my door in a time when it is not safe to go grocery shopping.  As far as exercise my dog helps with that.  Brodie and I take long a walk every day. I have had trouble sleeping over the last week, I think this is probably due to worries associated with the pandemic.  I do avoid unnecessary drugs but I do love my wine and still enjoy that little luxury in my life. 

How to unwind in this situation of social distancing and isolation?  I enjoy taking walks with Brodie, binge-watching TV shows and I have started deep cleaning and adding decorative touches to my home and of course, writing. 

How do I connect with others?  That is a tough one.  I talk on the phone and face-time my daughters and grandkids.  I go to "the Old People Shopping Hour" at my local grocery store.   Face book has been a lifesaver in the attempt to stay socially connected in a time when we are required to distance ourselves. 

I hope you are staying safe and healthy during this difficult time.  If you have any ideas to share on coping during this time of social distancing I would love it if you would share them in the comment section.
Take Care and God Bless


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